About Me
You've probably come to this website hoping to find out who I am, but that’s not going to happen. The fact that the word bitch features in my name, doesn't mean that I’m a woman. But I will give you one interesting piece of information: there is no I, there is a WE. We’re a group of like-minded fund industry professionals who believe that the industry has become too self-important and arrogant for its own good.
What are we trying to achieve?
We want to debunk the rhetoric and tell you what is really happening behind the scenes. We want to smash the carefully constructed marketing messages, the fragile veneer of respectability and tell you the truth. We want to be a forum for real discussion and debate without the drag of mission statements and company mantras.
How can you help?
We have our ears to the ground, but we’re always on the look out for new information and sources. Do you have some information that deserves to be in the public domain? Some tittle-tattle you want to share? an idea? a topic? Or do you simply want to get an answer to a question that you’re afraid to ask your colleagues because it makes you look stupid? Tell us everything. In return we’ll never reveal anything about you. And that’s a cast-iron guarantee.
Pinch, punch, first day of the month.
Pinch, punch, first day of the month. Today is the first day of October 2013, and the birthdate of the platformbitch/fundbitch blogs. Welcome. We’ll be keeping you entertained with regular musings, but this blog will also be somewhere where for you to express your thoughts and opinions. Let’s be clear, we don’t want trolls on […]